Telephone (Official Video) Lady Gaga

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Woodland, California, United States
Vanity, Music, Lady GaGa, Katy Perry, Photography, Art, Life, Love, Nature, Family, and Friends are what Inspire me:)


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ate Me Whole Extended Edition?

Hey, so I have decided to not release my album/book "Inspiration" Instead I want to combine it with my other album that I am working on and release "Inspiration" as a Deluxe/Extended Edition you get? I am trying so hard to make it available on iTunes as a Podcast so keep up commenting and tell me what you guys think. I am also working on my website which will hopefully will be out this summer. I want to release "Ate Me Whole" on my birthday so make it special and read my work. Ok, if you are wondering "WTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I have created an album/book. I wanted it to be in album form so that it shows my life for music. But, the album is lyrics only or just the poem. I have been through allot trying to post it up so I am expecting quite a few viewers. Let me know what you guys think. I design all by myself and it is 99.9% my work. The other .1% is all the ideas that this world gives on me and my love towards music and Lady GaGa. Visit often for more information:)

Oh and don't forget to show your support to Haiti. They all need our help:)<3

1 comment:

  1. i really love your work and i hope that your album/book is a great success:)


Hey everyone:0 i hope u enjoyed the content on here... leave me some feedback on what you think. be honest;) come back soon

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