Telephone (Official Video) Lady Gaga

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Woodland, California, United States
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Magic of Love

Personally, I think that being in "Love" is to much of a responsibility for a teen. I mean, not like "stupid" but there is other stuff to worry about that being in love. Yes, its all good to have a boyfriend/girlfriends, but take time to know each other and then say the "I Love You's." That was my opinion before 2010. I have learned that love is world wide. I found love in everyhting. I now understand that love can be found anywhere and it can always be given. A simple smile to a stranger can have an impact its all amazing to me. Ive changed through my writings and I feel that ive grown more "mature" in life and its challenges. Being in love does not just mean "Puss, Puss" (Kiss Kiss). But it means being in love with the world. The people, the animals, nature, music, art, and everything that makes you happy. Love is sneaky, but beautiful. Let it in when it knocks:)

1 comment:

  1. your writing is sooooo amazing and fantastic:)


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