Telephone (Official Video) Lady Gaga

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Woodland, California, United States
Vanity, Music, Lady GaGa, Katy Perry, Photography, Art, Life, Love, Nature, Family, and Friends are what Inspire me:)


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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Music Is My Inspiration

Ok so all off a sudden I fell in love with music:) I started out like four or five years ago and from there on it has grown. I have become so obsessed that I seriously need to have music with me all the time. At school you can find me begging for you to let me listen to some music on your iPod… It drives me crazy not having mu iPod with me:/ Ugh! Anyways, I also have convinced myself and persuaded myself to find inspiration in the smallest things in life… I started writing song lyrics about two weeks ago and I have at least 15 songs (Well song lyrics… I’m still working on the music with help of some people). If I am the park and I think of some “parkish” word I write it and start on my little song book. Lady GaGa: She has become my idol and my personal icon and inspiration. Her music, her lifestyle, her everything, has become part of me. <3 Finding inspiration is as simple as taking a deep breath. “Look beyond what you see” and find some beauty in everything. If you are depressed get some paper and pencil and write your soul out:) Draw, sing, act, love, live, construct, do whatever suits you but take advantage of what surrounds you. Emotions are full of inspiration and beautiful things… So everyone here is what I have to say: Live, laugh, love, and inspire yourself with beauty… Love Xavier:)

1 comment:

  1. i have got to say you are a very talented lyric writer person;)


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