Telephone (Official Video) Lady Gaga

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Conversations-A Poem


There are no more words said when we are together. The moments pass by in silence. No more gossip, no more laughs. The awkward silence causes the tears, that run down our cheeks. No more conversations to make us laugh, and to make us enjoy the moments that we are together. The grins and and mouth movements are gone, making us statues of awkwardness. If we talk, someone breaks, if we touch, it all descends. But the awkwardness is still there, keeping our mouths shut as we think and stare. I’m sorry darling for this. All conversations have an end, and this one will never re-open again.


This is a poem that came out of the nothing, i was in third period and it just came to me word by word. I hope u like it.. Enjoy;)


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